24 August, 2008

Progress progress

When you pack your suitcases in preparation to move, you really know
1) you couldn't care less right now about most of your stuff
2) you can't put nearly as much as you thought in the suitcase
3) it's just time to "let go"

so ... that was this weekend. Packers next week. In between, I'll work on my newly started Swallowtail shawl from Handmaiden Sea Silk and say goodbye to a favorite tea pot for a while~!

1 comment:

Jan said...

If you think this is difficult, wait until you have to unpack it all at the other end! Ugh! Although I'm happy to see much of it, there has been quite a bit of *now, why did I decide to keep this?* today...my first day of unpacking kitchen *stuff*.
Best wishes for a smooth transition!